Thursday, May 6, 2010

Scalable Teams

Universal Scalability principle also can applied to the fixing the team size.

As defined by's Two-Pizza Team Rule "If a project team can eat more than two pizzas, it's too large."
1.Small problems are easier to grasp, examine, and solve than big ones. Small solutions are easier to explain, understand, test, and implement .
2. Small teams need less process, have few communications challenges, and lower overhead than larger ones. Small teams can get real work done while large ones are still trying to find common understanding about the problem.

This exactly in match with Universal Scalability Principle which says Job should be partitioned so as the smaller chunk has minimum coherency and minimum contention.

This for project team implies that Team should be so divided that there is minimum intra-team communication (so little time is lost for coordication) and minimum team contention for resources. That is team are autonmous, independent for their smaller chunk of larger project. Or else extra effort of communication for sub-task, sub-task dependecny, waiting will have to be accounted for.

Project Manager also take this account to be able to create a planned schedule for his project. He find the longest possible sequnce task which cannot be broken into parallel tasks and have sequence dependecy. This becomes his critical path (CPM) and is the total minimum duration of the project.

Rest of the smaller sub-tasks can be broken down into parallel sub-task stream, which can be allocate to independent resources to finish in the same duration parallelly.

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