I will try to explain capacity planning by doing a very basic capacity planning for a sample e-Commerce application. I will try to calculate the number of servers required for my site.
Let me take a scenario of my web site which has some 100,000 user visitng daily. Now to do capacity planning for this site, I refer to this site of Capacity Planning Guide http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/tividd/td/ITAME/GC32-0847-00/en_US/HTML/cpmst17.htm#HDRCPD001997094
Based on refered Capacity planning guide, the steps of capacity planning are:
1. Identify Server Transactions
2. Define transaction throughput requirements
3. Choose Hardware
4. Gather transaction throughput requirements
5. Calculate the number of the machines
1. Identify Server Transactions
My e-Commerce applications common use-cases with percentage in transactions are:
Use-Cases percentage
1. Search 50
2. Register 15
3. Login 20
4. Add to Basket 10
5. Purchase 5
2. Define transaction throughput requirements
By popular assumption 1% of users are concurrent = 100,000 x 1% = 1000 users.
Now all 1000 concurrent users are not working on same pages or doing same kind of transactions. I take a sample of the significant use-cases. I divide the users among the use-case transactions based on some percentages.
I take my e-Commerce applications common use-cases and caculate the transaction throughput requirements:
Use Case %Users #Users TT* TPS** Txn-Type Req. MCycles
Search 50 500 10 45 Heavy 9000
Register 15 150 30 5 Medium 450
Login 20 200 5 33 Light 1320
Add to Basket 10 100 10 9 Medium 810
Purchase 5 50 20 3 Heavy 600
100 1000 12180
TT - Think time
TPS - Transaction per second
TPS = ConcurrentUsers/(1+ TT)3. Choose Hardware
Now, based on my selected App Server H/W configuration,
Util CPU Specs Capacity of Server
-------------------------- --------------
50% Single Quad Core-3GHz 6000 MCycles (2x4x3000x50% MHz)
4. Gather transaction throughput requirements
Based on my applications testing,
Txn-Type App M-Cycle
Light 40
Medium 90
Heavy 200
5. Calculate the number of the machines
Now, based on my selected App Server H/W configuration,
Util. CPU Specs
-------------------------- --------------
50% Single Quad Core-3GHz 6000 MCycles (2x4x3000x50% MHz)
Reqd. Txns 12180
Reqd. Servers 3
So, I arrive at the 3 servers of single Quad Code-3GHz specification to meet this demand.
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