Monday, October 27, 2014

Adventure of Tony Dum Dum - My New Game in App Store

Finally released my new game Adventure of Tony Dum Dum.

Not many people know about the early life of our Tony…

Story goes when Tony was not as famous as he is now. He went totally dum dum over this girl named Ello Icky.  Now, Ello Ikcy was not so great looker but a very plain looking intelligent girl. May be that simplicity catch our Tony’s eye?

But Ello Icky’s father, François, is a rugged sailor having travelled round the World. He was mathematical genius and love solving puzzle. He challenged Tony to prove his smartness by solving these mathematical puzzles as he must travel around the world following Ello Icky with his father and win his heart.

Puzzles François lays down are number chips matrix which is between 1 and 9. Now Tony must align them in basic 3 match pattern to break and earn score. If make complicated alignment pattern in “4”, “L”, “T” or 5 he get a booster power which helps him to solve the puzzle.
In the puzzle that number adds or subtract when he move them up or down. He can also align them by adding or subtracting the numbers. But maths was tony weakest link in those days he could not add beyond 9, so Francois gave him allowance and restricted the number addition only to 9. So now chip adding and subtracting will be valid only if it is between 1 and 9.

So begins the Adventure of Tony Dum Dum….

1)    Power Animations
   a.  Fire Ball – Goblet of fire which travel in a line burn everything in its path
    b.   Sword Keeper – Swords which travels X direction and cuts everything in its path
  c.    Diamond Crush – Diamond crush which throws diamond and converts others to itself.

2)  Swaps – Horizontal swap. Very limited and needs to be used very rarely.

3) Moves – Vertical down– which adds to chips and vertical down – subtracts lower from upper number. Main moves ….

4) Use moves to make “Match-3” larger number combo – 8-8-8 gives higher score than 1-1-1.
    5)  Complicated patterns gives the powers – 8-8-8-8 gives fire …. L –T (in any perspective) pattern gives powers. L can be standing or sleeping or inverted does not matter – gives power.
      6)  Higher levels have fun like 
           a. Freeing Ello Ikcy from prison
           b. Moving Tony to a Broadway Castle
           c. Get Francois beer down to his cellar
           d. Get flower down to Ello icky
      7)  Kids will love it because of mathematical puzzles like many ways to reach to same number. 
            2+3 =5, 1+4 =5, 9-4 =5 ….


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